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Spring special - $100!  (Limited Spaces Available)

Wellness Retreats

Have you been feeling overwhelmed?  Tired?  Burnt out?  Out of balance?  Sign up for a wellness retreat!  Retreats are a great way to hit a reset button, get time to sit back and reflect on what is working and what could use some adjustments.  Also, spend time building community with people who are in a similar place.  It's been a long couple of years.  Don't you deserve some time to reflect and reset?  Sure, you could go sit on a beach or in the woods.  But,  you'd miss the opportunity to build community and support around achieving your goals.  Come burnt out and tired.  Leave refreshed, connected and inspired. 

What to expect

Retreats are made up of time discussing what is happening in your life. Do some guided reflection, discuss ideas with your peers, and make a plan for moving forward (with lots of breaks and time allotted for just enjoying the day).  Have you considered the eight pillars of wellness before: physical, emotional, social, financial, occupational, intellectual, spiritual and environmental?  Are you where you want to be for each pillar?  Are your pillars balanced?  Can you spare a day on yourself to move closer to finding that balance?  


Sample Agenda
This is a sample only; actual agenda will likely be slightly different

1.  Introductions to each other and the eight pillars of wellness

2.  Small group discussion

3.  Individual Assessment/Reflection

4.  Activity

5. Group discussion

6. Break

7. What is going well? - individual reflection

8. Group discussion

9. Activity

10. Lunch

11. Activity

12. What needs to change and how do we get there? - individual reflection

13. Group discussion

14. Activity

15. Break

16.  Moving forward - making a plan - individual reflection

17. Group discussion

18. Activity

19. Wrap up


Sign up today!

Please note: this retreat is occurring at a metro-accessible location in Washington, DC. The location is being finalized. It is not a religious or religiously affiliated retreat.  

Sunset Kayak

Foster & Patterson Therapy Services

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